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Kinect-based Processing Installation

December 2017

blobWave is an interactive experience which utilizes a Microsoft Kinect to transform the likenesses of objects and people from a physical form into a digital arrangement of blobs which resembles the likeness of a Rorschach painting, and encourages the user to manipulate their personal digital inkblot’s scale and rotation using their hands to examine its finer details or open up more possibilities of a likeness.

Involvement: Coding in Processing (Java-based), OpenKinect libraries

The Experience

The human brains ability to make connections between vague shapes or silhouettes with real objects is one that has been challenged or linked to the capability of a fully functioning being through psychoanalytic tests such as the Rorschach Test.

Rorschach’s are not specific to any design; they are random, but people's brains pick up on forms and make connections between a random assortment of inkblots and real objects. Meanwhile, blobWave does the opposite by turning a real object into a seemingly random assortment of blots. This reversal of roles demonstrates a subversion of the brain’s critical thinking abilities and is meant to encourage the viewer to think more critically about the concept of perception.

Using a Microsoft Kinect camera for interactivity, users are able to create and manipulate their own virtual 'inkblot' using various hand gestures. By moving both hands closer together or further apart a user can scale/ zoom their inkblot image larger or smaller, and by moving both hands in opposite vertical directions to create a “slope” between both the user is able to “spin” the image and rotate their inkblot.