The Space Between is a transmediated narrative experience envisioned by Delta Epsilon Productions and developed by Michael Italiano. The experience was paired with the release of a short film and involved exploring and interacting with a series of interactive and immersive installations.
The story follows a young woman named Aster enters a virtual fantasy world created by her childhood best friend, coming face to face with lost dreams, unfinished friendships, and buried memories. After advancing through the levels of the game, Aster must choose between returning to reality or living out fantasy of the road not taken
The film explores the idea of regret and longing, whereas the interactive installations indulge in the desire to escape and revisit the road not taken. Overall, the experience questions how we define self-discovery, thus making The Space Between a unique shared human experience.
Involvement: Augmented reality app development utilizing Unity, Vuforia, and XCode for iOS development and deployment.
Project Explanation |
Full Walkthrough |
Videos courtesy of Delta Epsilon Productions.
The journey begins on an iPad with a short film setting up the premise. The rest of the narrative is completed by actively navigating the installation spaces with concealed augmented reality components that reveal more content as you explore. As the user discovers more objects and their link to the story of the films characters, they help to provide closure to the story itself and are even given the opportunity of choosing their own ending and tailoring their own experience within the gallery space.
Clicking an image will open it larger in a new tab.
The exhibition of this project operated for 45 hours, and sold out with over 140 users attending. It was featured by both blogTO and NOW Toronto.
More information regarding The Space Between can be found at the official website.